Well all is not lost if you can not find a version of freespace 2.. The Mod community to the game (imo one of the best mod communities out there).. Has made a easy one stop downloader that downloads everythign through a exe file.. No more confusing bit torrents.. It goes just like througha installation giving check in boxs on what you want installed including generous amounts of mods and campaigns.. INCLUDING Freespace 1 campaign, cut scenes and voice acting modded over as well as numerous other campaigns ranging in numerous hours of extended gameplay.. The game is graphically enahanced and imo still looks great with the numerous effects.. If your any kind of a space sim fan you need to check this out.. Or even if you did play Freespace 2, its definitly worth a second look at with the numerous mods and graphical enhancements.. With such a easy exe all you do is spend about 2 mins deciding what youw ant downloaded (you most likely will want everything) and wah lah it adds to the system and downloads.. Its not file sharing either so it will not eat up band width like none other...http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,42854.0.htmlsorry posted the wrong link, this one is up to date.For people who missed the glory of Freespace 2, or wish to play it again.
Yup, definitely worth 5 years of your life, not to mention a try :)For people who missed the glory of Freespace 2, or wish to play it again.
Just would like to add that there is tons of more campaigns including full mods released that are not in this download.. There are also tons of campaigns on the way.
It's an awesome game. I downloaded a version of this awhile ago and am still playing occasionally. Download it now, free awesome game, what's to lose?
its funny that you made this post... I just d/l this game 2 days ago... its still amazing.. Also you can get Freespace 1 + the expation pack
I'm not a graphics whore or anything but are they bearable?
[QUOTE=''Metroid_Time'']I'm not a graphics whore or anything but are they bearable?[/QUOTE]Looks great actually. Don't believe me? VIDEO LINKY! Yeah, that's the game, looks nice don't it? Hard to believe it's free...
[QUOTE=''the_mad_madman''][QUOTE=''Metroid_Time'']I'm not a graphics whore or anything but are they bearable?[/QUOTE]Looks great actually. Don't believe me? VIDEO LINKY! Yeah, that's the game, looks nice don't it? Hard to believe it's free...[/QUOTE]0.O I am sooo downloading it now! Looks great and I love space simulation stuff
I have quick question. Is that the entire game, or just the game engine with mods.
[QUOTE=''TheFLCLPope88'']I have quick question. Is that the entire game, or just the game engine with mods.[/QUOTE]Full game, complete with cinematics and multiplayer. The developers released the game to the public a while back, essentially saying ''The game didn't sell so well, but we're proud of it. Noones gonna buy it anyway so you know what? Have it for free!''.As long as you don't try to sell it or package it with anything retail, gamers are free to do whatever they like with the game and the engine. It's great!It's also worth mentioning the original game got a 9.4 here at gamespot. And this is the much improved version with better graphics and gameplays. You're a fool NOT to download it! This game is an absolute joy to play with a decent force-feedback joystick.
[QUOTE=''Metroid_Time'']I'm not a graphics whore or anything but are they bearable?[/QUOTE]I must say I still rate Freespace 2's graphics in the top 20 games out there even by today's standards. IDK what it is but the game sitll looks fantastic in my eyes specially with the mods out. This is when I take into account even games like the top giants from FEAR to the newer space sims out such as X3, powered by my new 8800 GTS.. I still think Freespace 2 can compare to these games. I think what really makes it shine is the scope that the game captured which is unheard of for such a early game in the late 90's.. Where you fly next to a 6km ship with your ship dwarfed by one of its guns that number close to 100 it really takes me in awe.. Thats one thign I kind of wished X3 had.
So the TC/OPs link contains both the full retail version of Freespace and Freespace 2? I might consider it... I wanted the game way back but I never got it.
[QUOTE=''HostileEffect'']So the TC/OPs link contains both the full retail version of Freespace and Freespace 2? I might consider it... I wanted the game way back but I never got it.[/QUOTE] It does not include Freespace 1.. The Freespace 1 campaign was fully modded over to Freespace 2.. Its more or less considered a mod for Freespace 2 having all voice overs, missions, cut scenes, and artwork all in the better freespcae 2 graphics engine.
I tried Freespace 2 for the first time a year ago and loved it. Couldn't believe it was a 9 year old game. The gameplay is so awesome. Games like Freelancer are so boring compared to Freespace 2. Gotta download this. :)
Awesome!I rember playing the demo a while back. Awesome stuff.Hell ive still Sidewinder Pro - that never gathers any dust ;)
It was a great game, I really liked it.
Thank you for reminding me of what games should be like. It is a great to play this again and be reminded of a time when developers use to make games from their heart and not thier wallet.I posted a link in my forums to your forums in hopes to get some more involved in your project.
I'm installing it right now. It takes some time but I hope it'll be worth it in the end.
Spread FreeSpace as much as you can! Become an active member at HLP or Game-Warden! If you have any game-creating skills, help with the mods! We must not let FSSCP die! (not that it will anytime soon):)
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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