Thursday, April 15, 2010

a resolution question?

I have a 22in widescreen monitor. in all the benchmarks ive seen games run way better on lower resolutions, so wouldnt it make sence torun everything at 800x600? or does monitor size have to be added in the equation as well? could you guys suggest a resolution for me to run at that looks good and preforms well? my monitor supprts a max of 1680x1050 and i have a X1950pro 256mb. thanks guysa resolution question?
here's all you options for widescreen resolutions1680x1050 1440x900 1280x800 1024x640 800x500 lowering the resolutions will help you get better performance but they will make the visuals worse by making everything all blocky and sometimes blurry you have a nice card (x1950pro) so it should run all those resolutions fine but i wouldn't go lower than 1440x900 because it should be able to run it perfect and when you mess with the resolution in games make sure the aspect ratio is 16:10 a resolution question?
[QUOTE=''payton88'']I have a 22in widescreen monitor. in all the benchmarks ive seen games run way better on lower resolutions, so wouldnt it make sence torun everything at 800x600? or does monitor size have to be added in the equation as well? could you guys suggest a resolution for me to run at that looks good and preforms well? my monitor supprts a max of 1680x1050 and i have a X1950pro 256mb. thanks guys[/QUOTE] have you tried and play a gamein 800x600 res on your monitor lol ? it will look terible, a lot worse thewn what an oldfashion 22'' crt screen would have looked like on that res. this has to do with how the LCD work. they are essensially made to work on optimum res and the moreyou lower the res the worse it looks becourse your LCD monitor has built in it 1680x1050 liquid crystals per inc, and as you lower your res, your monitor has to shut down some of those to show the res you choose, the consequence of this is that you get a mutch more blury picture then you would have on an old crt. i sugjest that you play your game at as high res as possible with your optimum res as highest goal. that will let you enjoy the monitor best. of course you try out different things until you find a combo that you like. but for the monitor the optimum is the only res it will perform like it was intended.
thanks guys:)
During the z-buffering process, the higher the resolution you have (along with more detail in the actual game), the more processing power you need to z-buffer into a 2-D image in order to translate to your screen. Everything involving your GPU will be involved in the resulting frame render. So---------------- if your graphics card doesn't have the ROPs (Render Output Processors) to do the task, lol you're ******.

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